Collection of symptoms such as pain, heartburn, nausea, bloating and the like, medically known as syndrome or collection of symptoms dispepsi. Detecting the disease with dispepsi syndrome is not easy because the source is biased intra (gastrointestinal disorders) or extra lumniner (interference organs outside the gastrointestinal tract), although cetusannya similar.
Dispepsi digestive syndrome consisting of ulcerlike dyspepsia (local damage, cuts or ulcers on the surface of the gastrointestinal tract) and non-ulcer dyspepsia (with symptoms of burning sensation in the chest due to stomach acid into the esophagus), as well as non-Specific diseases other again.
Diarrhea is also one spark stomach disorders. Acute diarrhea is generally caused by contaminated food or beverages. Mild diarrhea lasts 1-3 days after diarrhea treated with drugs that are sold on the market. Other types of diarrhea that appeared about six hours after a meal, usually due to staphylococcus bacteria poisoning. While the bacterium clostridium toxins in food or beverages are usually react after 12 jam.l when diarrhea occurs in about 12-48 hours after eating something, probably caused by the bacteria salmonella or campylobacter or Cirus such as rotavirus or Norwalk.
The cause of acute diarrhea are more often biased because the battery dysentery, cholera, typhoid, paratifus, as well as food allergies. While in infants, diarrhea, mostly caused by consumption of infant formula that does not fit or bacterial contamination of milk.
Course of acute diarrhea should be immediately addressed, not to cause dehydration (run out of fluid and salt / electrolytic in the body) that would endanger lives. Meanwhile, chronic diarrhea can be caused by a serious intestinal disorder. Obviously, the cause must be sought with care: wound or inflammation of the intestine (gastroenteritis), malignant tumors, and others. We must be vigilant when stool mixed with blood.
Diarrhea occurs because the concentration of water in fess too big. The large intestine or colon, which is an important part in the digestive system, the task absorb much water from a passing watery food. That's where the manufactured semi-stool. However, if the charge is through the colon too quickly or because of an infected small intestine so that it is too much fluid into the large intestine, diarrhea occurs.
For first aid, encouraged each family to save salt ORS, plus diarrhea medicines that are available. When diarrhea did not stop, immediately to the hospital, doctor or nearest health center.
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