
Thursday, February 3, 2011

Successful Motivation Techniques

Without motivation we would be a pretty backward society.  Motivation gave the world electricity, airplanes, the theory of relativity and powerful computers. Sometimes however, it is difficult to stay motivated so you can achieve your goals.  Whether at home, at work or at school there are a few tried and true motivation techniques you can try.

Ask Yourself Why

One of the reasons you lose your motivation is because you forget the outcome of the task you are performing.  Therefore when you feel like you do not want to continue on with a task remember why you started the task in the first place.  For example, if you run out of steam in the middle of a project at work ask yourself what the result will be when it is completed?  Maybe you will get a paycheck bonus or impress your boss.   Perhaps the result of the project will teach you a new skill or provide you with new information.  Always try to keep your reason for the task at the forefront of your mind.  As a matter of fact, it might help to make up a small mantra to recite before you start the task.  This way you always remind yourself of the reason for your actions.

Stay Positive

One of the key factors to staying motivated is keeping that desire to achieve.  Usually you will want to partake of an activity if it is pleasant or enjoyable.  Fun is a great motivator.  When you find a task is getting mundane and you are developing a negative attitude toward the activity it is time to make it fun.  For example, you might be trying to get in shape but hate visiting the gym every day and walking on the treadmill.  Think of a physical activity that you enjoy.  Maybe you like to dance, so try taking dance lessons.  Or, maybe inviting a friend for a walk through the park is much more pleasurable.  Whatever the task, find a way to enjoy it.  This is probably the most effective motivation technique to use.

Reward Your Progress

Another great motivation technique is to set yourself some mini goals on your way to your final goal.  As you achieve each of these mini goals reward yourself.  Maybe you are trying to get and A in Biology in school.  Your mini goals can include good grades on your tests and homework.  For each grade that is 90 or better reward yourself.  Take a night off from studying and go out with friends or spend a few hours reading that mystery novel you have been dying to finish.  Whatever you choose make sure it is a special treat for you.

Find a Friend

Sometimes our friends and family can be great motivators.  Choose someone who can really lift your spirits and keep you moving in the right direction.  Nominate this person as you personal cheerleader and let them know you are relying on them to keep you moving and motivated.  Be sure to pick a person who is upbeat, full of energy and can move you back on track with a push or shove if needed.

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